6 Helpful Visual studio code extension

6 Helpful Visual studio code extension

Here is a list of the most useful and recommended VS Code extensions. Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) in the world. One of the reasons behind VS Code’s popularity is the huge library of extensions it has to offer. In this article, we are going to look at the top six VS Code extensions that every web developer should know.


Path Intellisense

Visual Studio Code plugin that auto-completes filenames and is downloaded by over 30 million vs code users. Using the Path Intellisense plugin for Visual Studio Code, filenames can be autocompleted. This extension will automatically search file names and provide you with suggestions when you begin typing the file name in the statements.Visual Studio Code plugin that auto-completes filenames and is downloaded by over 30 million vs code users. Using the Path Intellisense plugin for Visual Studio Code, filenames can be autocompleted. This extension will automatically search file names and provide you with suggestions when you begin typing the file name in the statements.


Prettier- Code Formatter

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that excels when numerous individuals are contributing to a single project because it enforces a uniform style. The time required to format your code can be greatly decreased by setting it up so that it does so every time you save it.


Debugger for Chrome

Microsoft created a debugger for Chrome, that enables you to debug your JS code in Visual Studio Code. It’s surprisingly smooth, unlike debuggers in other IDEs. You may debug dynamically added scripts, step through the code, set breakpoints, and more.


JavaScript Code Snippets

While JS IntelliSense is already included in VSCode, JS Code Snippets improves upon it by including a large number of import/export triggers, class helpers, and method triggers. The plugin works with JS, TypeScript, HTML, Vue, JS React, and TS React. Code snippets for other flavors, including Angular, are likewise easily accessible through the VSCode Marketplace.


Bracket pair colorized

The title provides the necessary hint, but Bracket Pair Colorizer matches the colors of the opening and closing brackets to make it much simpler to identify which brackets go together. Additionally, you can customize your own bracket characters and give the active scope a backdrop color.



Live Server

One of my favorite extensions is this one. Live Server starts a local development server with the ability to refresh both static and dynamic pages in real-time. Each time you save your code, the changes are immediately visible in the browser. It’s much simpler to run some basic tests on your code, and you’ll be much faster at finding issues.

6 Helpful Visual studio code extension


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