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Top 8 most beautiful and most peaceful countries

Of course, the perception of beauty is a relative concept. However, considering some accepted variables, we have listed the top 8 most beautiful and most peaceful countries for you, considering the reports presented by the OECD and the UN.

The level of development of the countries; economy, education, health, technology, population growth rate, etc. It is measured by looking at many titles such as Since all these variables affect the living standards positively or negatively, we can see that there are parallels with our happiest country list.


Finland has been at the top of the list for years. You ask why? In terms of social state understanding, it is among the best countries in many areas such as health and economy. We know that it is set as an example to many countries in the world in education. It could not be a coincidence that they were always successful in PISA exam results.

In short, Finland is concrete proof of how investment in education had a positive impact on the country’s situation a few years later. As a Scandinavian country, not to mention its many natural wonder attractions such as forests, lakes and northern lights. If you haven’t seen it yet and are planning to travel abroad, you can catch magnificent views here and display them in your gallery!

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The Danes did not come up with the word “Hygge” for nothing. Although we cannot translate “hygge”, which we can call a philosophical term, it means comfort, peace, entertainment, dim place. Danish people love to spend a happy and peaceful time at home. They call activities such as putting on their socks and sipping coffee under candlelight, reading a book, spending time with their loved ones as hygge.

Denmark’s low unemployment rate, being the greenest country in Europe, giving importance to freedom and democracy, low crime rate and being one country with the highest national income raise it to the top ranks. In addition, the Danes are such a self-indulgent and anti-war nation that in a vote, a majority of votes banned even the possession of weapons in the country.

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The Swiss is home to world-famous chocolate brands. Well, whoever had the most beautiful chocolates in the world would probably be the happiest person in the world 🙂

 Joking aside, Switzerland, besides its many positive features, also provides an example of a democracy that has not yet been practised anywhere else in the world. The only state where direct democracy is practised! So if you are a Swiss citizen, you can sue the constitution.

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When Iceland is mentioned, the northern cold comes to mind. However, the fact that there are many hot water resources in the country provides an advantage in producing geothermal energy. Here you can witness that even underground sources heat the pavements.
That it is one of the countries with the highest per capita income, is one leader in the social state, being the country with high health security and low crime rate raises this country to the highest levels.

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According to UNICEF’s statements, the happiest children in the world are here! Dutch children are fortunate both at home and at school. Because the concept of “family” is very important. Therefore, according to the data, it is stated that it is in the first place among those who spend time with their children at home. 

Children are also peaceful when they go to school because they do not take any exams until they reach a certain age. Thus, an unnecessarily stressful competitive environment is not created. Therefore, we can say that merry children give birth to a happy future, a “happy Netherlands”.

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If you have a colourful, lively and fun lifestyle, you might be bored in Norway. It is a little difficult for you to see people here who have trouble making a living, who suffer injustice, who forget to enjoy life because of their worries about the future. You are already in the country where the social state understanding is most developed.

 The state protects you materially and morally against all kinds of difficulties. Therefore, the people here are calm people who love to hang out and enjoy the magnificent nature. If you want to live a quiet life like a retired life and grow old in an idyllic nature, you can consider Norway. Because clean air prolongs the life of a person.

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Here, no student is subject to a working hour restriction such as part-time. If you are a university student, you may work as much as you want. Sweden is the country with the highest average life expectancy (around 80). 

It is one of the leading countries where women’s rights are protected, women are respected and social it minimized sexism. Again, with its lush Scandinavian nature, it is a peaceful country away from the crowds of the world.

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It is one of the European countries with the highest minimum wage and average salary. It is known as a tax haven. After the “Holding Act” was signed in the 1950s, they only required international companies to pay 1% tax to Luxembourg.

 This both worked for the companies and increased the level of welfare in the country as it increased the number of investors in the country.

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