Magnificent meeting in the sky: Jupiter, Moon, and Venus. The two planets in our solar system are closest to each other when viewed from Earth. Jupiter and Venus created a celestial dance in the sky after a long time. When they are closest, the two planets will form a full conjunction on March 1.
Venus and Jupiter are the two brightest planets currently visible in the sky, and they are getting closer and closer to each other every day. The distance between the two planets was 29 degrees at the beginning of February and will drop to 2.3 degrees by the end of this month.
On March 1, Earth’s mysterious twin Venus and the largest planet in the Solar System, Jupiter, will appear closest to each other. Venus is the 3rd brightest natural object in the sky after the Sun and Moon. It is so dazzlingly bright that it is sometimes visible even in daylight. Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest planets in our sky, have been gently moving toward one another. They were 29 degrees apart at the start of the month. These two dazzling planets emerged around “three fists“ apart at the beginning of February since your clenched fist is equal to roughly 10 degrees from your outstretched palm. Yet, since then, they have been gradually approaching one another by an average of nearly one degree per evening.

It’s not uncommon for Venus and Jupiter to be in conjunction. They occur, more exactly, every 398.88 days, according to Jean Meeus, a highly respected estimator of planetary motions, at mean periods of 13 months.
This is not entirely true, though, as these two planets occasionally make a triple conjunction, with three of these happening over the course of four months. Venus must be near inferior conjunction, which is when it is between the sun and us, for this to occur. Against the background stars, it then appears to briefly reverse its typical eastward course and head back toward the west. Venus will pass the biggest planet while traveling east, pass Jupiter if it is in the general area.