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Why and how to use Aloe Vera?


Aloe Vera, a natural wonder that contains minerals, vitamins, and acids in its gel, has become very popular especially in the field of beauty. Many physicians and famous names use and recommend Aloe Vera. In our previous article, we talked about the benefits of Aloe Vera. 

In this article, “How can we provide these benefits to our body, what kind of treatment should we apply? How can we store the excess gel?” we will talk about them.

If you think that the leaf you will cut is more than you need and you are upset, do not worry in vain. Pull off as much as you need from the tip of the leaf. You can damage the structure of the plant when you cut it with scissors or a knife. After you tear off the leaf, the rest will slowly close. So you can use the remaining part again if you need it again :).

Don’t worry if you took extra off. Since it is a natural product that does not contain preservatives, excess gels will deteriorate. With that in mind, don’t throw it away because you can put the leftovers in ice trays and store them in the freezer.

When needed, you can use the icy gel on your face, hands for moisturizing purposes or in acne treatment, etc. in many areas. If you keep the cut leaf upright for a few hours, the yellow water will flow out. We recommend that you drain this water because it is allergic to some people.


Recipe 1: For shiny, soft, and healthy hair that will create a doping effect!!!

  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Coconut oil
  • 1 tube of bemix vitamins

After mixing the above ingredients enough for the length of your hair, massage your scalp and then apply it to your hair ends. Gather your hair, wrap it in cling film and wait at least 2 hours and rinse your hair. If you wait more than 2 hours, you can see more benefits. You can get quicker results if you apply it before going to sleep and wash it when you wake up in the morning.

Recipe 2: To nourish the hair and prevent it from falling out

  • 1 egg
  • 4 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel

After mixing the ingredients in the blender, apply directly to your hair roots and ends. Again, you can wrap your hair with cling film and keep the cure on your hair all night. When you remove the cure from your hair, use slightly warm water because very hot water can make you smell because of the egg and disturb you. After removing the cure from your hair, you can wash it with warmer water.

Recipe 3: For healthier, shiny, and straight hair

Apply the gel to the tip of your comb and comb your hair directly. You will get straighter and shiny hair.

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Thanks to its inflammation-reducing feature, it prevents and suppresses the increase in inflammation in your acne. You can apply the gel directly to the problem area.

Or, you can put the gel in small ice cubes and freeze it in the freezer, then take out a mold every time you need it and use it by running the ice mold over your face. It is easier to use this way, and it may be better for your skin. 

If you are going to use it during the day, you can wash it after waiting for 20-30 minutes on your face. If you want to use it at night, you can apply it before going to sleep and wash your face when you wake up in the morning. You can use it once a week.



Mix coconut oil and aloe vera gel. After getting out of the shower, apply to the cellulite area. Although it is not a single and complete solution for cellulite, you can consider it as an effective and supportive treatment method. (You can also check out this article on what cellulite is and how it occurs, and this article on how to get rid of cellulite).



You can use it instead of after-sun creams. It will give your skin the necessary moisture and care for your skin that is burned out in the sun. You can directly apply the gel that you extracted from the aloe vera leaf to the sunburned area.


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
  • 2 teaspoons of almond oil or olive oil (you can also enrich it with different oils)

You can prepare your natural moisturizer and apply it to your face and dry skin. You do not need to buy a product to supplement collagen, because this natural moisturizer will increase the elasticity of your skin thanks to the collagen in its content, and it will be good for your wrinkles, which are the signs of aging that are just starting to form. In short, it moisturizes and tightens your skin without making it greasy.

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Thanks to the high amount of collagen and potassium it contains, it has a healing effect on all wounds and irritations and regenerates the skin. You can directly apply the gel you have removed from the leaf on small wounds. It will speed up the healing process of the wound. You can apply it to the wound until the wound disappears.

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 The articles we publish on our site are very general information accepted and recommended by the public, including expert advice, scientific research, and are in the nature of advice. In cases that require medical intervention, of course, we recommend that you consult with a specialist physician first. 

In addition, before applying our recommendations, please consult your doctor whether there will be any side effects and the suitability of the treatment for you. Because every treatment method may not have the same effect on everyone. Our site is not responsible for any negativities that may occur. Wishing you a cure for your problem…

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